To honor what I hold to be sacred and true about the holidays, I decided to share this quote with you: Love Is Our Soul Purpose.

Love is it. It doesn’t matter what your chosen faith or beliefs, love covers it. I don’t pretend to have any great profound thoughts. That said, if I had a week to live, or a day, and someone asked me to share what I believed to be the secret of life, I would say it is to spend your time and energy locating that well of love that lives within you and share it with everyone and everything you encounter. That, I believe, is our “soul purpose” and our sole purpose. It may take many forms, sure. But we all know when we are in that space of love. We can’t not share it!

So, don’t hold back. Laugh, cry, hug, dance! Do it all. Take every opportunity to show people your heart. It doesn’t really matter how they respond or react. What matters is that you put that energy into the world, because the world needs it. It needs you.

So, this holiday, remember, Love Is Our Soul Purpose. Thank you for sharing your love with me.


Andrea Beaulieu