I once attended a workshop on luxury branding that asked me to consider my highest perceived value in reference to my business of speaking, story performance and presentation skills coaching. The purpose of the exercise was to identify how you really serve others, not only how you think you do, so you can share that information in your sales, marketing, and business or fundraising development activities.

I wanted to get some objective feedback, so I asked one of my clients to share her ideas with me. I also put the question on my evaluation form and received some additional input. The words my client used, words like “I am inspired,” and “I am a stronger leader now,” and the power and conviction behind her words, moved me. I felt them in a way I hadn’t really felt them before. Not only did this help me understand more completely and deeply the value I brought to her, it also helped me see my work in a bigger light. This will only improve the way I can support others and how I communicate this.

So, how would you answer this question about the work you do? What is your highest perceived value? What is the highest perceived value of the work your organization does? Asking this question will help you to zero in on how you really serve your clients, your community and your world. And in my view, how you can better serve your own highest good. Once you know this, incorporate it into your presentations, your speeches and your written materials. Make it known so the people who need your services can find you.

What is your highest perceived value? Meditate. See what your authentic voice shares with you. Then ask those you’ve worked with. Ask your employees, your clients, your customers, your donors, your volunteers. You will receive information that can help you understand your purpose and strengths more deeply. And then, you’ll want to do more.
