Photo courtesy of Flickr user David Blackwell
Open your mail, your Facebook feed, or You Tube, and you’ll find a million, zillion, trillion ways to learn how to be, yes? Often, the information has a point of view. Maybe it’s a list of the steps you can take to be a positive versus negative person, or create what you want versus what you don’t, or share a message of undying love for your family members (Do you ever wonder if you don’t share one of those “if you love your son” messages, he will think you don’t love him?!). Many times these suggestions reflect a quick, easy way to think or act that will take care of things once and for all. Okay . . .
I have no doubt the people sharing these (including me!) are sincere and were inspired by these ideas. Sometimes, though, if we believe them, they can trick us into thinking we only have to do this one thing and our problems will be solved. Or that one thing. Or that one. In truth, living authentically, and speaking from our authentic voice, is not always that easy or convenient. The journey can come with many twists and turns, and no small amount of confusion along the way. Ours is the hero’s journey.
That being said, once we clear out the rubble, we can know our message. As a coach, that’s what I get to do — help you clear out the rubble, put your truth into words, and into a form that reflects your brilliance and gifts! In other words, nourish your authentic voice. That authentic voice is the expression of what you care about, what moves you, and how you want to take that out into the world.
Here are three questions to ponder to nourish your authentic voice:
- What do you love? Depending on what you are speaking about, this could be about your work, your organization, your friends or family, the journey you’ve lived, the lessons you’ve learned, the audience you’re speaking to, or anything else. Whatever your focus is, what do you love about it? This will help you clarify why you’re speaking and infuse your presentation with energy and passion.
- What do you love about who you do that with or for? Here, you are reflecting on who you are sharing your experience with, or the recipients of your efforts. Why do you care about them? How do they contribute to your experience, your results, your life? How do you contribute to them? How do they contribute to your community? To the world? How are they unique and special?
- When have you experienced that love firsthand? This is story time. Share an example. Bring me into the experience. What’s it like to be there, where you are, where they are? As the listener, I want all the details. I want to live that experience with you because then I can understand. I can get out of my own skin and my own perspective. You are broadening my world.
Only you can answer these questions for yourself. That’s the beauty of them! Spending time reflecting on these questions can lead to some very powerful and simple truths that are both personal and universal. That’s what we want. A personal experience our audiences can relate to because it’s part of the universal human experience. That’s the stuff that wakes up and engages our audiences and can leave them with something they can truly use as they find and live their own authentic voice.
So, get comfy and ponder these questions. And if I can support you, please contact me at Andrea@AndreaBeaulieu.com
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