
3 Simple Tools To Have a Successful Presentation

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

Compelling Evidence on the Power of Stories from Abraham Lincoln!

Learn Three Lessons From Lincoln on How Stories Can Help You Focus and Persuade. About a year ago, Stephen Spielberg released the film, Lincoln. Did you see it? If you [...]

2020-08-25T04:10:29-07:00December 30th, 2014|Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments

The Yin and Yang of Speaking — The Path to Audience Engagement!

I love to create powerful emotional experiences for my audience when I speak. I also love to share strong information. What I've learned is that it's the combination of these [...]

2020-08-25T04:10:30-07:00December 18th, 2014|Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments
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