Presentation skills

How to Determine What Your Blindspots Are & How To Overcome Them Easily!

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

How to Deepen Your Connection With Others in Life and on the Stage!

Is there a magic pill that can deepen your connections with one person or a roomful? Common knowledge would say no. Authors Chip and Dan Heath have a different answer. [...]

How To Make A Lasting Impression In Your Presentations/Meetings/Conversations

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

How To Use Charisma To Your Advantage! The Four Types of Charisma You Should Know

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

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