Presentation skills

How Do You Make An Impression in One Minute?

You’ve experienced it. You’re at a networking event and each person has a minute or so to do an introduction. You watch as one by one, each person stands up, [...]

How You Can Bring Your Presentation to Life with Props! Become a More Engaging Speaker!

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

2020-08-25T04:09:46-07:00September 13th, 2018|Speaking/Presentation Skills, YourCast|0 Comments

Sharing Your Voice – An Adventure of a Lifetime!

I’d been thinking about getting another dog for a few years. After losing my dachshund mix, Molly and my Akita mix, Scout, I needed some time. Caring for elderly dogs [...]

How to Overcome a Mistake You Make on Stage, in a Meeting or in a Conversation

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

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