Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4, 2023
In-Person Retreat
Phoenix, Arizona
Andrea Beaulieu, ACC, CPQC
Marie Maddox, ThD, ACC, CPTC
Can you imagine spending time exploring how to trust your wisdom and live your purpose? Can you see yourself enjoying a beautiful space with wonderful food, camaraderie, and compassionate, clear facilitators? Can you picture yourself sharing this retreat in a gathering of sage-minded sisters?
Imagine no more! We are overjoyed to invite you to participate in an exclusive retreat to deepen your connection to your wisdom and purpose and support other women to do the same.
Experience Fulfillment, Friendship and Fun!
On March 3 and 4, we will come together in deep conversations, visualization exercises and playful interactions to uncover your deep capacity for adventure, growth and influence.
You will:
- Explore what you want to create or express
- Connect with your feelings and place of peace
- Get creative to experience new possibilities
- Understand the distraction of the saboteur mind and how to move past it
- Explore how to live your purpose individually, interpersonally and universally
When you connect with your wisdom and purpose, you recognize who you are at your core and, as a result, you view the world in a different way. You might say, in a positively passionate and profound way! Sound good?
If you’re curious and ready to share your wisdom, have fun with other sage-minded sisters, and give yourself the gift of some well-deserved time to dive into what enhances your fulfillment and wellbeing, register now!
Limited to 10 participants.
March 3: 5:30 to 7:30 pm: Meet and Greet!
March 4: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm: Retreat
Retreat price: $650
If the retreat is full, you will be notified if a spot becomes available, or your name will be placed on a waiting list to be notified about our next retreat!
Registration includes all meals and snacks and materials. Travel and accommodations not included.
Register by February 10, 2023 and save $100. Use coupon code: earlybird. Final registration deadline is February 24, 2023. Once payment is confirmed, you’ll receive a detailed email with the location and itinerary for the retreat.
Cancellation Policy: Written cancellation immediately after registration: $100 cancellation fee per person. Cancellation after February 24, 2023 is 50 percent of total workshop cost. No refunds after March 1, 2023.
Andrea: Andrea@AndreaBeaulieu.com
Marie: Mmaddoxthm@gmail.com • 602-692-9165
We look forward to seeing you for The Sage Woman: Trust Your Wisdom, Live Your Purpose!
About Andrea and Marie
Andrea Beaulieu, ACC, CPQC
Andrea’s purpose is to inspire others into an authentic expression of their truth. Her commitment is to use her gifts and talents to inspire and serve others through the love, power and connection of the authentic self and voice.
She combines her abilities as a speaker, writer and performer and her strong background in leadership positions, to coach her clients to bring greater presence, awareness and skill to all of their communications. She works with professional, entrepreneurial, growth-minded individuals ready to be all in and have fun while discovering and learning to express their authentic voice through fearless speaking, heartfelt communication, and the creative discovery of new opportunities that give rise to genuine meaning, purpose and clear-minded action!
She has taken the stage more than 2,000 times as a professional speaker, singer and actress and has trained hundreds of individuals and groups in speaking and presentation skills. She has worked with numerous C-level individuals at international and national organizations over the course of her career, crafting speeches and other communication materials including editorial, branding and marketing communications.
As a professional speaker, Andrea has shared her expertise and inspirational stories with diverse audiences including the Women in Intel Network, the American Academy of Family Physicians Women’s Health and Physician Wellness Conference, Northern Trust Bank, and the Association for Financial Professionals of Arizona, among others. She has performed before millions live and broadcast. She traveled with the international organization, Up With People, as a featured singer and dancer at such prestigious events as the Super Bowl Halftime Show and the Indianapolis 500. As a member of the steering committee for the First Sino-American Conference on Women’s Issues held in Beijing, China, she created powerful connections with her Chinese counterparts right after the Tiananmen Square protests, and performed a song to promote unity during the leadership farewell banquet in the Great Hall of China. Partnering with fellow musicians, she wrote the conference theme song, Holding Up Half the Sky.
She is the author of two books, Finding Your Authentic Voice, Seven Practices to Free the Real You and Find Love, Happiness and Fulfillment, and Ah Ha! 100 Flashes of Insight and Inspiration from Your Authentic Voice.
In addition to being an ACC credentialed coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and a certified coach with in Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness, Andrea is certified to administer the Leadership Circle Profile 360 Assessment, has received certifications in Neurolinguistic Programming from the Association for Integrative Psychology, and Facilitation Training from the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA). She has a certificate in Transformational Life Coaching from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and is an Advanced Communicator Gold with Toastmasters International. She is a member of the ICF and the Phoenix Sister Cities Grenoble, France Committee, and is an international coach with the global Humanitarian Coaching Network (HCN). She graduated Magna Cum Laude in Mass Communications from Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz.
Marie Maddox, ThD, ACC, CPTC
Marie Maddox ThD, ACC, CPTC has passionately studied the connection between science, spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth for over 20 years. She holds a doctorate in Holistic Health with an emphasis on counseling from Holos University. She was named the International Society of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine’s (ISSSEEM) emerging scientist in 2015 for her work on near-death experiences and their integrative imprint.
She is a past Chair for the Women for ATSU, a division of the A.T. Still University and has served on the board for 10 years. As the past president of the Pool of Memory, she organized and facilitated retreats on consciousness, healing, and personal growth. She is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), and the Humanitarian Coaching Network (HCN).
She has worked in a diverse array of health fields, including hospice and neurofeedback, and currently partners with leaders, teams, and individuals to think better, do better, and be better.