We often use the first of the year to create new goals. Planning for your month, quarter, and year are all fantastic exercises! What I’m talking about here is something else. I’m talking about keeping up.
Many years ago, I had a very wise friend who has since passed. He would often share those words with me, no matter what I was facing. Keep up. I didn’t realize at the time what he meant, not completely. Now, I have a clearer understanding. My take is that keeping up means being present and available to life as it appears and responding from your deepest, highest self. Use whatever appears in your life as an opportunity for self-awareness and growth. To face it, lean into it, and let it move you forward. That’s keeping up.
Why would anyone want to do that? Because we impact our world at every moment. When we share a smile, we can make a positive difference in someone’s life, even if it’s the briefest of moments. The opposite is also true. If we share our anger in a negative way or dismiss or ignore someone, it can ignite hurt in another and create unwanted consequences for us. We have that kind of influence.
When we really get this, we realize how important it is to keep up. To do our personal and professional growth work. As leaders, as speakers, as humans sharing the world with others, what we do matters. How we show up matters. We are powerful. When we listen, empathize, and communicate from a clear, compassionate space, we absolutely make a difference for ourselves and everyone we encounter. So, I invite you to keep up in 2024 in whatever way you are called, and if I can support you, I’d love to.
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