How often do we finish a project and immediately move on to the next one without taking time to reflect on the success we’ve had, or the progress we’ve made, or even the lessons we’ve learned?

If you’re like most people in this culture, the answer would likely be all the time. Maybe we pause occasionally and say, good job, but, that’s about it. I’m know I’m guilty of this.

Instead, we’re encouraged to look ahead, get ready for the next challenge, and definitely not rest on our laurels. Things move quickly — you have to keep up!

I don’t know about you, but I find that exhausting, especially without a pause to reflect on the journey and celebrate our wins. When summer hits, and all you want to do is lounge by the pool, the lake, or the ocean and drink something cool, well… it gets even more difficult.

So, here’s my suggestion — go with it!

Take a break. Be lazy. Reflect on and revel in your journey. Take some time to acknowledge with gratitude, all the ways you’ve grown as a speaker or in any other area of your life.

* Clear some time. Five minutes, five hours, five days. Whatever time you have available. Make this a regular routine. Set aside your “reflect and revel” time and make a commitment to show up… for you!

* Look back. Where were you a year ago, six months ago, or yesterday? When you think about how you felt then, and how you feel now, what’s the difference? Are you more confident? Are you having more fun? Are you excited about your next steps?

* Give yourself specific feedback. General statements just don’t have the same effect, do they? Identify at least one specific way you have improved in your speaking, or one way you have made a difference for someone else as a result of your efforts.

When we take some time to recognize ourselves for even the smallest accomplishments, we feel more inspired and motivated. Ditch your speaking doldrums by instituting your “reflect and revel” time.

Have a wonderful July 4th holiday and stay cool.



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