Your Story

Lose Your “Story” and Birth Your Message! How Releasing Your Story Can Empower Your Audience and Your Life!

There comes a time when enough is enough. When you just don’t have time for anything that isn’t authentic. When being yourself and speaking your truth just won’t wait anymore. [...]

2020-08-25T04:10:10-07:00July 28th, 2016|Sharing Emotions, Your Story|0 Comments

Inviting Trust — Four Key Steps You Can Take In Every Presentation!

How do psychologists gain a patient's trust? In the article, "Use This Formula to Quickly Gain Anyone's Trust," Lisa Evans shares four steps gleaned from Wharton School of Business Professor [...]

Self-Expression — What’s Love Got To Do With It?

I'll never forget standing in front of my Toastmasters Club and getting ready to give my first speech. It was only 4-6 minutes long and all I had to do [...]

Four Stories Every Organization Needs to Have!

What's the story? Did you hear about . . . ? How do you do that? These are the kinds of questions all employees ask at some point and whether [...]

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