Speaking/Presentation Skills

Should You Worry About Being Too Rehearsed When You Speak? Not When You Answer This One Simple Question!

I know you’ve watched presenters who seem to be “calling in” their presentation. They may know their stuff, and even be very polished, but you just don’t believe them. You’re [...]

Three Simple Things You Can Do to Increase Your Speaking Success!

Courtesy of Flickr User Republica “I just want to get up there and get through it.” I sometimes hear this phrase from my coaching clients when they are anticipating [...]

May I Have Your Attention Please? How to Create a Speaker Introduction That Warrants a Yes!

Courtesy of Flickr user www.audio-luci-store.it One of the greatest gifts we can give a speaker is a powerful and gracious introduction. Through the introduction, we honor the speaker, [...]

2020-08-25T04:10:13-07:00February 25th, 2016|Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments
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