Speaking/Presentation Skills

Breathe a Little Magic Into Your Presentation . . . and Your Life!

No doubt, you’ve heard this instruction before — just breathe. Just breathe when you get nervous. Just breathe when you lose your place. Just breathe if you don’t know the [...]

Spice Up Your Presentation by Giving Your Audience An Experience!

Audiences want us to be fabulous! Brilliant! At times, outrageous! They want to be informed, inspired and entertained. They want it all! And most people I know want to give [...]

2020-08-25T04:10:02-07:00April 6th, 2017|Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments

What Are Your Presentation Standards? Do You Know? Are You Meeting Them?

Courtesy of Flickr user Audrey You know when it’s time. You hit a point when you know you don’t know what you don’t know. I hit  that point [...]

2020-08-25T04:10:03-07:00March 23rd, 2017|Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments
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