Speaking with Depth

Presence! How to Address that Negative Nabob in Your Head, Your Audience or Your Office!

Here’s the number one goal I hear from professionals seeking speech coaching: “I want to feel confident when I speak to my audience. Instead, I feel nervous. It doesn’t matter [...]

2020-12-03T11:36:59-07:00December 3rd, 2020|Being Authentic, Speaking with Depth|0 Comments

Presence! The one question you need to ask to make sure your message is on track!

One of the first things I ask my clients [...]

How to Give a Speech That Deeply Moves Your Audience!

Courtesy of Flickr user Het Nieuwe Instituut The spoken word has the power to move mountains because it has the power to move the human heart. We know [...]

How to Recognize Your Natural Speaking Gifts!

Pure artistry. That's the only way I can describe what I witnessed at my Toastmasters club this past Tuesday. One of our members used not one, but two accents to [...]

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