How to Deepen Your Connection With Others in Life and on the Stage!
Is there a magic pill that can deepen your connections with one person or a roomful? Common knowledge would say no. Authors Chip and Dan Heath have a different answer. [...]
Is there a magic pill that can deepen your connections with one person or a roomful? Common knowledge would say no. Authors Chip and Dan Heath have a different answer. [...]
Let’s say you’re a pianist, or guitarist, or drummer, and you’re scheduled to play a gig. That gig comes around and you’re really not up for it. In the music [...]
When you listen to exceptional speakers, or watch masterful performers of any kind, what do you remember? The beauty of their words? The power of their ideas? The depth of [...]
Do you dream about being on stage, sharing your truths with an audience? Do you think about it on a regular basis? Have people come up to you and said, [...]
Courtesy of Flickr user Cameron Adams Early in my speaking career, I had the opportunity to give a keynote to a group of project managers. I wanted it to [...]