Creating meaning

How to Communicate When You’re Uncertain How You’ll Be Received!

Welcome to YourCast! Insights, information and inspiration to increase your effectiveness as a leader and speaker! If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up at [...]

What’s SMART About Using SMART Goals When You Speak?

You’ve no doubt heard of using the SMART goal method to give you the best chance of meeting your goals. Have you heard of using SMART goals to create and [...]

What Do You Want to Call Forth From Your Audience? Give Them the Experience They Deserve!

Welcome to YourCast! Insights, information and inspiration to increase your effectiveness as a leader and speaker! If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up at [...]

The Universal Truths of Speaking — What Are They?

Go online and you’ll find more information on how to speak than you could possibly consume in a lifetime! How do you decide what to believe? The greatest teachings are [...]

It Only Takes 20 Seconds of Courage To Start & Accomplish Something Great

Welcome to YourCast! Insights, information and inspiration to increase your effectiveness as a leader and speaker! If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up at [...]

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