Creating meaning

What’s Love Got to Do With It? How Self-Love Impacts Your Quality of Life and Work!

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” Lucille Ball I’m grateful we’re starting to get [...]

How to Tap Into Your Intuitive, Creative Mind and Be Amazed!

When I sit down to do a blog post or video, I ask myself what has come to my attention recently that really struck a chord in me and I [...]

The Universal Truths of Speaking — What Are They?

Go online and you’ll find more information on how to speak than you could possibly consume in a lifetime! How do you decide what to believe? The greatest teachings are [...]

When In Doubt, Ask!

You have a presentation coming up. You’re uncertain whether to include an exercise, a piece of information, or a humorous anecdote because you don’t know if it will be well [...]

What Creates Authentic Communication? Why Would You Want To?

We each live in our own world, don’t we? Our value systems, beliefs and expectations give us incredibly individual perspectives, even when we're having the same real-time experience. So, when [...]

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