Creating Connection

How to Deepen Your Connection With Others in Life and on the Stage!

Is there a magic pill that can deepen your connections with one person or a roomful? Common knowledge would say no. Authors Chip and Dan Heath have a different answer. [...]

How to Unleash Yourself from the Need for Audience Approval and Fulfill Your Audience’s Needs!

Speaking or performing in front of an audience is a dance. The speaker gives, the audience receives. Then the audience gives, and the speaker receives. When things are going well, [...]

Create Connection with Your Audience by Syncing Up!

How can you help me now? That’s what your audience wants to know. How can what you’re telling me or selling me make my life easier and better now? That’s [...]

Breathe a Little Magic Into Your Presentation . . . and Your Life!

No doubt, you’ve heard this instruction before — just breathe. Just breathe when you get nervous. Just breathe when you lose your place. Just breathe if you don’t know the [...]

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