I've been reflecting on the choice to live from heart, lead from heart and speak from heart. What does that mean? What does it look like? What empowers a person [...]
We each live in our own world, don’t we? Our value systems, beliefs and expectations give us incredibly individual perspectives, even when we're having the same real-time experience. So, when [...]
Many years ago, while coaching a client to create her success story, we encountered that part of the process I've come to know well -- creative tension. While I knew [...]
I did a search for all the acronyms that represent a fear of rejection. Here's what I found: FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out FOJI - Fear Of Job [...]
Here's my guess: no matter what you're aspiring to or choosing to create, you want to experience freedom and joy. Is this true? I don't think anyone takes on anything [...]