

Can a story help you communicate your reasons, intentions and actions more clearly? Yes!

Let me explain . . . What I mean is . . . Here's an example . . . These are often the openings we use to launch into a [...]

By |July 22nd, 2012|Categories: Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments

Clean Up and Clear Out Your Language for Greater Credibility

I know we've all said things we question later. For me, I usually think, "I can't believe I said that!" Even if we don't catch it in the moment, we [...]

Share What You Feel if You Want to Inspire Action

Lately, neuroscientists have been exploring the connection between emotion and action. What they are discovering, in a nutshell, is that the parts of our brains that regulate emotions are the [...]

How do you pique your listener’s interest – incorporate “the surprise” into your open.

When you start a speech or story, how do you capture your listener's attention immediately? One method is what I call "the surprise." This is a take-off on the surprise [...]

By |February 21st, 2012|Categories: Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments
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