Clean Up and Clear Out Your Language for Greater Credibility
I know we’ve all said things we question later. For me, I usually think, “I can’t believe I said that!” Even if we don’t catch it in the moment, we [...]
The Connection between Emotion and Inspiration to Act
Is there a connection between emotion and the inspiration to act? You bet your bottom line there is! As much as we want to think we act out of our rational brains, [...]
Three ways to make that audience connection we all want!
In "A Whole New Mind, Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future," author Daniel Pink identifies story, meaning, playfulness and empathy as essential elements to success, as we leave the Information [...]
People who Smile are Perceived as More Likeable and More Competent
Ron Gutman wrote the book on smiling, and why we all ought to be doing it more often! The organizer of TEDxSilicon Valley and author of Smile: The Astonishing Powers [...]