

Presence 2.0 – Experiencing the Extraordinary!

Courtesy of Flickr user Steve Jurvetson How often do we experience the truly extraordinary? Of course, we all define that differently. I’m defining that as something that goes beyond [...]

How to Recognize Your Natural Speaking Gifts!

Pure artistry. That's the only way I can describe what I witnessed at my Toastmasters club this past Tuesday. One of our members used not one, but two accents to [...]

Authentic Is As Authentic Does! How to Get Real In Your Speaking and Branding!

It's the little things, isn't it? When someone says he or she will call and it happens. When someone RSVP's yes for the committee meeting, or the event, or the [...]

Should You Thank Your Audience? You Might Be Surprised at the Answer!

It's hard not to. Thank your audience, that is. Your host introduces you. You step up to the lectern and say . . .  "Thank you for the opportunity to be [...]

By |November 25th, 2015|Categories: Creating Connection, Gratitude|Tags: |0 Comments
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