How to Give a Speech That Deeply Moves Your Audience!
Courtesy of Flickr user Het Nieuwe Instituut The spoken word has the power to move mountains because it has the power to move the human heart. We know [...]
May I Have Your Attention Please? How to Create a Speaker Introduction That Warrants a Yes!
Courtesy of Flickr user One of the greatest gifts we can give a speaker is a powerful and gracious introduction. Through the introduction, we honor the speaker, [...]
How Being “Sufficient” Can Help You Move Through Fear and Into Your Next Level of Presence!
Have you ever heard the term, “new level, new devil?” It refers to those times when we stretch beyond our comfort zones and encounter new fears, and everything that goes [...]
Are You Catching Your Cue? Your Invitation Into Greater Presence!
They show up like this: The professional opportunity. You know the one. The one that appears out of the blue and scares the pants off you. The uncomfortable conversation you [...]
Three Questions to Nourish Your Authentic Voice!
Photo courtesy of Flickr user David Blackwell Open your mail, your Facebook feed, or You Tube, and you’ll find a million, zillion, trillion ways to learn how to be, [...]