Should You Worry About Being Too Rehearsed When You Speak? Not When You Answer This One Simple Question!
I know you’ve watched presenters who seem to be “calling in” their presentation. They may know their stuff, and even be very polished, but you just don’t believe them. You’re [...]
Make the decision, show up and let go!
Make the decision, show up and let go! Three keys to becoming the speaker you always wanted to be! “I really am good enough. I really can do this and [...]
How to Master Public Speaking
Thanks to contributor Lydia Bailey for sharing this interesting research graphic that she helped to create -- How to Master Public Speaking.
Three Simple Things You Can Do to Increase Your Speaking Success!
Courtesy of Flickr User Republica “I just want to get up there and get through it.” I sometimes hear this phrase from my coaching clients when they are anticipating [...]
How Something as Simple as a “Puppy” Can Create Storytelling Happiness!
Imagine, for a moment, you’re sitting in your favorite chair and your loved one plops a brightly wrapped gift in your lap. “What’s this?” you ask. “Open it and see,” [...]