Create Connection with Your Audience by Syncing Up!
How can you help me now? That’s what your audience wants to know. How can what you’re telling me or selling me make my life easier and better now? That’s [...]
How to Listen, So You Can Ignite Success!
What do I do when my foot starts hurting while I’m doing my physical therapy exercises? Is that normal pain or something to be concerned about? How do I know? [...]
Be Prepared — Create Your Pre-Event Checklist!
A checklist is a reminder and a thought-provoker. Writing something down not only relieves you of the worry of forgetting an important item, it also helps you think about how [...]
How to Face a Mountain of Adversity and Use It For Good!
What do you do when all you can do is sit in a recliner nursing a fractured ankle? You might think, lots of things! Read, write, sing, watch shows — [...]
Breathe a Little Magic Into Your Presentation . . . and Your Life!
No doubt, you’ve heard this instruction before — just breathe. Just breathe when you get nervous. Just breathe when you lose your place. Just breathe if you don’t know the [...]