

Happy New Year! Is 2018 Your Year to Become the Speaker You’ve Always Wanted to Be?

Do you dream about being on stage, sharing your truths with an audience? Do you think about it on a regular basis? Have people come up to you and said, [...]

Happy Holidays! Show Your Love With the Gift of Your Authentic Self!

Ah, the holidays. They are full to the brim with so much meaning. With built-in rituals and celebrations, we get to experience the beauty of our connection and revel in [...]

By |December 14th, 2017|Categories: Being Authentic|0 Comments

Use Your Tool of Introspection to Create A Life You Love!

Taking the time to reflect on how we treat the life we're living can bring surprising insights and exciting new commitments! If you're game, consider answering the following questions and [...]

By |November 30th, 2017|Categories: Being Authentic, Gratitude|0 Comments

How to Unleash Yourself from the Need for Audience Approval and Fulfill Your Audience’s Needs!

Speaking or performing in front of an audience is a dance. The speaker gives, the audience receives. Then the audience gives, and the speaker receives. When things are going well, [...]

By |October 5th, 2017|Categories: Being Authentic, Creating Connection, Speaking/Presentation Skills|1 Comment
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