

Three things that make would-be speakers cringe and what to do about them!

Feeling and exhibiting nervousness. Forgetting the words or having the wrong content. Lack of audience interaction. These are the three things most of the folks I coach dread whenever they [...]

By |August 27th, 2020|Categories: Speaking/Presentation Skills|0 Comments

What is Intellectual Humility and How Can It Serve You?

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

Presence! How do you do it? Get ready to give a speech, that is?

At times I'm asked, how do you do it? How do you decide what to speak about, what to include, where to insert stories and facts, and how to tie [...]

By |August 13th, 2020|Categories: Writing a Speech|Tags: , , |0 Comments

How to make Working from Home Easier with STAR Goals!

Welcome to this edition of YourCast, where you'll find quick tips on speaking, leadership and communication skills. If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up [...]

Presence! Three Tips to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough!

How many times have you started a new project and stopped when it got to the tough part? Perhaps your mind was telling you it wasn’t worth it, or it [...]

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