Success happens when you think outside of the box with heart, authenticity, and trust!

Hi, I'm Andrea!
For more than 25 years, I’ve used my experience as a speaker, writer, performer, and leader to coach clients in building presence, awareness, and skill in all areas of communication.
As an executive coach, I can support you and your team to clarify your purpose and leverage your natural abilities and strengths to meet challenges and move forward with commitment and courage.
I've Supported Thousands of Professionals
Just Like You!
I've had the pleasure of coaching and training thousands of executives, entrepreneurs, professional service providers, mission-driven leaders, artists, and dreamers!
At the heart of this work is guiding you to clarify and express yourself powerfully and authentically in the world. We work together to illuminate what is truly essential now, and in the future, so you can move forward.
As a Speech Coach
I have coached hundreds of individuals in speaking and presentation skills, Many of my clients struggle with stage fright or imposter syndrome. I get it! You can overcome your fear and bring your authentic voice and presence to your audience!
“Well, That’s Easy For You!”
This is what I hear sometimes from clients who are struggling to find, develop, and deliver their story or presentation. Oh, my goodness! Can we talk? Allow me to tell you my story.
As a Speaker and Trainer
As a speaker and performer, I’ve been on stage more than 2,000 times speaking and performing for millions of people, live and broadcast. I’m known for incorporating funny and tender stories and theatrical merriment into my keynotes and trainings!
My keynotes and trainings cover diverse topics like:
- How to Communicate with Respect, Clarity and Skill!
- Tell Your Story for Impact and Investment!
- Take Your Speaking From Basic to Brilliant!
- This Would Be Really Funny if It Weren’t Happening to Me! The Three Essential Truths of Leadership!
- How to Face A Mountain of Adversity and Use it For Good!”
I have spoken to audiences including:
- Colas, Inc.
- Simpleview
- Women in Intel Network
- American Academy of Family Physicians Women’s Health and Physician Wellness Conference
- Northern Trust Bank
- Association for Financial Professionals of Arizona
- The Association for Fundraising Professionals, Orange County
My Credentials Include:
- ACC credentialed coach with the International Coaching Federation
- Certified in Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Coaching/Facilitating
- Certified in the Leadership Circle Profile 360 Assessment, Neurolinguistic Programming, and Facilitation Training from the Institute of Cultural Affairs
- Certified in Transformational Life Coaching from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
- A coach with the global Humanitarian Coaching Network (HCN)
- An Advanced Communicator Gold with Toastmasters International
- A member of the Global Chamber of Commerce, and the International Coaching Federation
- Graduate of Scottsdale Leadership
- Magna Cum Laude Graduate from Arizona State University in Mass Communications

Finding Your Authentic Voice, Seven Practices To Free The Real You And Experience Love, Happiness, And Fulfillment, is a personal and inspiring guide to that intuitive brilliance present in every human being, that knowing that leads us to our greatest happiness because it connects us to our authentic self.

Ah Ha! This delightful book contains 100 Flashes of Insight and Inspiration from Your Authentic VoiceTM. The authentic voice is that internal guide that leads us to our greatest happiness, fulfillment and success, because it connects us to our authentic self. We often hear this voice in the form of an ah ha moment.
Woman Owned Small Business Certified